Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Prayer for Syria, Gaza, North Korea and South Sudan

Yesterday, I posted two posts that were, in actuality, Praying for Peace posts. The thing is, though, since it had been so long since I did the last one, I forgot one of the cardinal rules I set for myself: I'm supposed to end in a prayer.  I told people what to pray for, but I forgot to write my own prayer out.  So, here's that prayer...

Dear God,

Thank you for loving us so deeply, for knowing us so intimately, and for never, ever abandoning us, even while we abandon one another. I'm sorry we have failed so miserably at loving your children.  Let me rephrase: I'm sorry I fail so miserably at loving your children.  Please forgive me.

Lord, I lift up South Sudan to you, where your children are killing each other.  Lord, please bring peace there. I pray those who are persecuted find comfort in knowing you and ask that you stop the fighting and the killing and the persecution.  You tell us to pray for our enemies, though, so I also want to life up the persecutors, both past and present, and ask that you change their hearts. Help those who are fighting to put down the weapons of war and to search for your heart in this mess.  Help them to see you in those they are fighting - to see your love, to see your creation, and to see you as you live through each of us.  Lord, protect the civilians, and the UN forces, and those giving out aid and assistance.  Stabilize this new state and help them to transition to a place of sustainable peace.

Lord, I also lift up Gaza to you. I pray for those who have been displaced by the flooding there. Help them find refuge. Help them to rebuild their lives.  Help change the hearts of those who would limit the resources available to these, your children. Let there be a renewed commitment by the international community to alleviate the suffering of those in Gaza.  Bring them supplies and food and medical services, and offer them peace - true, sustainable, growing peace. I pray for all the leaders involved who can bring about a change here, give them heart responsive to those in need.  

Lord, I pray for peace on the Korean peninsula. I pray that you will move miracles in North Korea, changing the heart of those who lead there, allowing for freedom to enter. Give guidance to those with responsibility in this situation.

Finally, Lord, I lift up the Syrians to you. Lord, help those who are seeking refuge to find shelter; those in need of medical care to find relief; and those who are hungry, food.  Help those who are weary from war and freezing from the cold to find rest, warmth and peace. Help us to open our doors and our communities to those in need, to see in others ourselves and, more important, you and who you are.  Give those with power wisdom to see how we can offer our brothers and sisters relief, how we can push forward for peace, and how we can ensure that peace is sustainable. I pray for those working in aid agencies, and for the Red Cross and Red Crescent.  Help them to stay safe while being effective; help them to reach those in need.  Let those with money fill their funds up, so they can do their work.  Lord, I know you work miracles, so I ask that every dollar they get turn to an effectiveness ten-times that. Help me to remember how connected I am to those who seek asylum. Help me to be a better advocate for those in Syria, to find ways to work for peace and to alleviate suffering. Help us to love the Syrian people as we would wish to be loved, as we love ourselves, and our families.  Help us to serve them well, and completely from our hearts. Finally, Lord, I just pray for peace there.  Let us find peace on Earth - in Syria. Let the Syrians feel restored.  Help them Lord.

And Lord, I want to pray for my friends from Syria.  People I love and hold dear already - whose faces I see clearly whenever the news stories fail to tell me the names of the Syrians they cover.  I pray for M, M, M, A, S, and the others, whose families are still in Syria and who cannot leave.  Give them strength; keep them safe; and let them know each day how loved they area.  

I commit all these things to you, Lord, and seek your wisdom, your grace, and your love.

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